OCEAN GEOGRAPHIC Pictures of the Year Competition 2023

This is the time of the year Michael Aw puts me under pressure since 2016 as juror for the Ocean Geographic Pictures of the Year Awards  to choose between amazing pictures winner and runners up for THE PASCAL LECOCQ AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT about CREATIVE VISION

Inspiring Love with Images & recognitions named in Honour of the Masters. Competition is judged by luminaries of Ocean Arts & Science: E.Kristof, Dr G.Allen, D.Perrine,E.Brooks, V.Taylor, Dr.C.Wallace, Dr.P.Lecocq, N.Coleman, S.Frinck, B.Skerry, Dr.W.Hamner, Dr.A.Mustard, M.Aw, D.Doubilet, Dr.S.Earle, H.Hall.

On it’s eleventh year, the Ocean Geographic Pictures of the Year Awards is one of the most longstanding and influential underwater imagery competitions.

Stay tuned for the June 9th Winners announcement!

Previous competitions results here

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May-June Trip to Japan June 5

At TOKYO KYUKYODO, A long established specialty store founded in 1663 to deal in incense, calligraphy supplies and Japanese paper goods then Gekkoso Art Supply Store. Then at the Caran d’Ache Genève Ginza boutique…

Exhibition Blackholes by Tadanori Yokoo for the The 395th ginza graphic gallery Exhibition, DNP Ginza Building 1F, B1F.

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Paris Dive Show 22nd solo exhibition by Pascal, day 4

Pascal 22nd solo exhibition at the Paris Dive Show

Porte de Versailles Hall 4 – B01 Jan 6-9

More about Pascal at the Paris Dive show: https://www.pascal-lecocq.com/wordpress/archives/category/show/sdp

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Paris Dive Show 22nd solo exhibition by Pascal, Day 3

Pascal 22nd solo exhibition at the Paris Dive Show

Porte de Versailles Hall 4 – B01 Jan 6-9

More about Pascal at the Paris Dive show: https://www.pascal-lecocq.com/wordpress/archives/category/show/sdp

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Paris Dive Show 22nd Pascal’s solo exhibition Day 2

Pascal 22nd solo exhibition at the Paris Dive Show

Porte de Versailles Hall 4 – B01 Jan 6-9

More about Pascal at the Paris Dive show: https://www.pascal-lecocq.com/wordpress/archives/category/show/sdp

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