The winner of the Pascal Lecocq Award of Excellence 2003

This well-executed picture by Nur Tucker won the Pascal Lecocq Award of Excellence in the OG Pictures of the Year comp – this is taking creative vision to a whole new level this is truly a work of art! Thank you, Pascal, for spotting this unique picture, and promoting the danger of plastic in our ocean. Very Well Done Nur Tucker. Our huge thank you to Bunaken Oasis Resort for supporting the mission of OGPICOTY – see the complete result of 2023 winners at

#OGPICOTY, #oceangeographic

Thanks Michael AW and Ocean Geographic to have me part as judge of the competition since 2016 and congrats to OGpicoty to keep going and have so many competitors.
A lot of creative participation (61) this year for the Pascal Lecocq Award of Excellence Creative Vision and it was difficult to establish a hierarchy as many artistic and imaginative sub-categories were presented in this category.
Of course my subjective eye made a choice which does not detract from the quality of the works presented, especially for 17 of them as interesting as the others.
You may be surprised again with my final choice.
Winner – CV085:
An abstract artwork at first glance, a surreal composition of human parts, fishing nets and plastic bottles that call for our interpretation, a sad realistic view of our degradation of our planet where we live and in which we, humans, are going to sink, caught in the nets of over-fishing and drown in the mass of our plastic consumer products. A Creative Vision is also an artistic way to raise public awareness. Congrats to Nur Tucker for such a beautiful and meaningful artwork.

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